Könyv - Woodward, John: Fossils of all kinds... London, 1728

Könyvtár – Könyvművészeti gyűjtemény

Leltári szám: 2001.139.1
Készítés ideje:
Anyag: merített papír; papírtábla
Technika: pergamen utánzatú papírkötés
magasság: 19,5 cm
szélesség: 12 cm
vastagság: 2 cm
súly: 230 g

Fossils of all kinds, digested into a method, suitable to their mutual relation and affinity : with the names by which they were known to the antients, and those by which they are at this day known: and notes conducing to the setting forth the natural history, and the main uses, of some of the most considerable of them. As also several papers tending to the further advancement of the knowledge of minerals, of the ores of metalls, and of all other subterraneous productions / by John Woodward. - London:. printed for William Innys, 1728. - [ 4 ], III-XVI, [ 1 ], 2-56, [ 1 ], 2-131, [ 3 ] p., ill., kövületek; 4°, 8° (20 cm)

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