Plate - with the allegory of Fortitude

Metalwork Collection

Accession Nr.: 10915
Date of production:
late 16th century
Place of production: France
Inscription: nincs
Materials: pewter
Techniques: cast in relief mould
diameter: 46 cm
In the middle field there is a female figure, the symbol of Fortitude with her attribute, a broken column and the inscription FORCE. The two rings on the side of the dish are decorated with lines of masks and herms, and with four biblical scenes from the story of Susanna. The broad rim shows six scenes also from the Old Testament, comprising the story of the prodigal son. There is an analogue of similar proportions and with similar decoration made by Francois Briot, which is called the "Temperantia dish" in literature and is one of the most remarkable pieces of art of the Late-Renaissance. This analogue would suggest that the dish described above was made in the third quarter of the 16th century, as P. Weiner thinks. The figures follow the style of the etchings of Bernard Salamon of Lyon, which were made for Bible illustration in about 1550. There used to be a jug with similar decoration as an addition to this dish.


  • Szerk.: Pataki Judit: Művészet és Mesterség. CD-ROM. Iparművészeti Múzeum, Budapest, 1999. - fém 49.
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